Refactor it, refactor everything!

March 5, 2018

As I’m sure it’s common with any long running project, you’re going to find pieces you worked on in the past aren’t on the same standards you have today. This has happened time and time again with Brock Crocodile, I’ve overseen completely different tilesets put in or level design changed. We’ve seen improvements in our art design too! So it goes without saying that the code would follow soon after. I’ve been busy working on cleaning it up with some lousy bits I had implemented earlier and making it easier for myself to read too. So now I’m in the process of copying the new code and putting them all in the newer levels.


Unfortunately because this is something done behind the scene, I can’t actually show much of what I’ve changed or improved. Never the less we’ve still managed to show off some of the new additions to the game. We’ve added a new end segment that players will come across when they finish the first stage, a treasure chest that explodes with an unspecificed number of gems! This number is calculated with a base number (20 for now) and an additional of x amount of gems for every attack the player uses on the chest. This should give a frantic conclusion to the level! If you want to see more, take a look at the video clip we posted on Twitter.


The other change was finally showing off what the new second boss looks like and we’re really proud how this one turned out, click on the image to see her in all her animated glory! There’s still a few bits and pieces we’re ironing out on Beera but once she’s ready to be shown off in gameplay, we’ll be more than happy to share with everyone. If you feel like you want to leave a comment on what you think then head over here and let us know what you think! Thanks again for reading everyone and we hope to see you all again next week!